Posts tagged youtube
Episode 37 - Why You Need an Ecommerce Site Even If You Don't Have A Product to Sell

If small business owners learned nothing during the recent crisis, they learned the importance of having an ecommerce site. Unfortunately many business owners still believe they don't need one because they don't have a product to sell. In this episode we talk about how wrong that is and why you need to start thinking outside the box right now. Michael Carico of AbleSpark joins in this news-breaking discussion.

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Episode 36 -The Importance of Digital Opitmization

This episode of Small Business Connections addresses importance of optimizing your online presence. For too many people, the mere mention of the word optimization is enough to freak them out. But optimizing your SEO, social media platforms, Google My Business account or YouTube channel is not that hard and can make an enormous difference for your business.

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