Posts tagged streamyard
Episode 2 - Taking Your Business Online

In this episode of Small Business Connections, Ann talks with Chrissy Rey Cearlock from Pongos Interactive and Pongos Learning Lab/Coder Kids Club about actively helping small businesses take their business online and learning during the pandemic.

Chrissy considers herself a technology early adapter because she constantly looks for new technology and ways to implement learning. We discuss the STEAM education center and coder kids club and follow up with Pongos Interactive in building websites and mobile apps.

For elearning and the coder kids club, Chrissy offers classes for entertainment, coding as well as camps. She uses different online platforms and streaming services for different courses. Some of the courses and offerings at Pongos include Coder Club, STEAM Enrichment Programs, YouTube Stars, Robotics Club and a Minecraft Club.

Elearning, website development and mobile apps are all Chrissy's areas of expertise offered on her Pongos Interactive website for the business owner and entrepreneur. She offers a WordPress Crash Course, where you can learn everything you need to know to build your website. Additionally, offered is a prerecorded course on how to create an online learning website. Chrissy helps people create and build a new stream of income. She offers a free 30-minute consultation and has a Facebook group, Get Your Business Online to help you on your way.

Chrissy's tips for businesses:

Be sure to share and comment with 4 or more words on social media posts.

Ann and Chrissy discuss the benefits of using Streamyard for live stream to multiple platforms.

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