No Bullshit Marketing

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The Single Most Effective Marketing Tool

Business owners are always looking for the next new thing when it comes to marketing. But it turns out the next new thing in marketing today is an old thing, email marketing. Email marketing is as powerful and as effective as ever. Today, I want to share with you the 10 reasons you should focus on email marketing this year. 

Why Email Marketing Is So Powerful

1. It’s cost-effective.

Email marketing is one of the most affordable forms of marketing for small businesses. The costs involved are minimal when compared to other channels, such as print or television advertising.

At ASMM, our email packages start at $300 a month.  Last month, we brought on a new client whose first email earned him $150,000 in commissions.  This month, his second email helped him earn another $76,000.

2. It’s trackable.

With Robly, Constant Contact, or Mailchimp, you can easily track email campaigns using email analytic tools to measure email open rates, clicks, and conversions. This way, you can get an accurate understanding of the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

In addition, we encourage you to pay attention to your replies. We receive replies to our emails. Sometimes it is as simple as "This was really helpful."  Other times we might receive a question or a response for a meeting. No matter what the response, the fact that someone is responding is a great indication that you are on the right track.

3. It’s customizable.

Email marketing allows you to personalize messages for different segments of customers or prospects. You can segment your email list by demographic information or other data points to create more targeted email campaigns. Learn more about why you want to segment your email list here.

4. It’s targeted.

Email marketing allows you to target a specific group of people by crafting email content that is relevant to them. This way, you can ensure that your email messages are reaching the right audience and driving more conversions.

For example, for our contractors, we may want to create a list of customers who have had their roofs replaced but not their windows or doors.  If you own a shoe store, you may want to target people who have signed up for your store-sponsored races or people who have joined a group run in the past.

5. It’s fast.

With email marketing, you don’t have to wait days or weeks for traditional advertising methods to get results. You can send email messages instantly and start seeing the effects immediately. Our clients have reported that their phone rings twice as much on the days we send an email campaign for them.

6. It’s easily automated.

With email automation tools, you can set up email campaigns that are triggered by certain actions taken by users, such as signing up for your email list or making a purchase. In addition, you can schedule your emails ahead of time.  If you are not ready for a marketing company, taking the time to sit down and create emails for the next quarter is an effective way to consistently reach your customers.

7. It increases brand awareness.

With email marketing, you can easily create email campaigns that promote your brand and increase awareness of your products or services. Email marketing should seldom be used to bash your customers over the head with your specials and sales. Instead, use it to educate your customers.  There is no better way to raise brand awareness than by showing your customers that you are truly the expert in your field.

8. It helps build relationships.

Email marketing allows you to keep in touch with past customers and stay top-of-mind with prospects. One of the things that we find most surprising is the number of responses our clients get when we send "Happy Holidays" or "Thank you for another great year" emails. Emails feel personal to your clients.

9. It increases website traffic.

By including links in email messages, you can drive more people to your website, which can help you generate more leads and sales. This is a good time to reiterate the fact that education is one of the more effective ways to attract clients.  Educate your customers by sending them back to blogs on your website and you will find that they return again and again.

10. It boosts customer satisfaction.

When customers feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to purchase from you again in the future. Email marketing allows you to easily thank customers for their business and show them that you care about them. This can be done through an automated message when they make a purchase or through specific campaigns. One of our favorite campaigns involves segmenting your top 100 customers and hosting a special event just for them.  These are the customers who spend the most with your business on a consistent basis.  They already love you. Show them how much you appreciate them and they will be loyal for years to come.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for small business owners looking to grow their businesses. With email campaigns, you can reach more people in less time, create stronger relationships with your customers, and boost website traffic. By taking the time to craft email messages that are relevant and engaging for your audience, you can ensure that email marketing is a key component of your business’s success this year.

If you are not currently using email marketing, give us a call at 443-679-4916 to discuss how ASMM Digital can help you make the most of your email list.  If you are currently using email marketing and not finding it effective,learn the most common pitfalls here.