How to Use Reels for Marketing

If you’ve been using Instagram for the past few years, you might have noticed that Reels is the newest feature that was added at the end of 2020—and it’s a great opportunity for reaching new people and communicating your brand’s message. Reels is Instagram’s response to TikTok, the platform for short-form, easily consumable videos that have been dominating the social media scene lately.

While Reels are similar in look and feel to TikTok videos, there are a few important differences. They’re also slightly different from other video posting options you’ve previously had on Instagram. Let’s take a look at what Reels are, how you can make them, and what you need to do if you’re going to use them for their full marketing potential.

What Are Reels?

You have so many options for posting videos to Instagram already—as a traditional post, as a story, as IGTV. What makes Reels so different?

Well, for one thing, Reels are a happy medium when it comes to length. Videos on your story must be ultra-short and are available only for 24 hours. The videos on your post must be under a minute, and most users don’t expect post-style videos to be edited or stylized. Then there are the long-form videos you watch on IGTV that can run upwards of 10 minutes or longer.

But Reels are usually between one minute and three minutes and even though they’re usually edited (not one single-take clip), there isn’t the expectation of professionalism you might see on IGTV. Instead, they’re about being personable, fun, and engaging.

Plus, as is the case with TikTok videos, Reels have the potential to reach a lot of people who aren’t following you. That’s because when an Instagram user swipes through their Reels feed, they’ll be shown a lot of videos from creators that the algorithm expects will be in line with their interests—not necessarily from the people that user is already following.

What Should I Include in My Reels Video?

If you have familiarity with TikTok, think of your Reels as a way of sharing similar content on Instagram. It’s a way of showing off your brand’s personality and values, building a community of like-minded people, and demonstrating your expertise in your field. Focus on content that’s short and easy to enjoy rather than anything that goes too in-depth. If you need inspiration, scroll through your Reels feed for a few minutes to get a sense of what other people in your field are doing. You might consider doing “a day in the life” video, a behind-the-scenes video, or even sharing user-generated testimonials or videos of their product or service in action.

How Do I Create a Reel?

Reels can either be created in the Instagram app or shot and edited outside the app and uploaded later. If you choose to create in the app using Instagram, you can shoot as many clips as you’d like for up to three minutes, then trim the clips, rearrange their order, and add transitions or filters. You’ll also have the option of adding music or creating voiceovers (or using music or voiceovers from Reels that have already been created and published). Reels even offers options for adding captions, texts, and stickers to give your videos an extra pop of personality.

What Should I Keep in Mind With Reels?

Remember that Reels are a great way to reach people that are outside your typical Instagram following, but in these situations, you’re at the mercy of the algorithm—your video might not reach people within your target location or during a set time. In fact, if the algorithm thinks your content is relevant to somebody who is hundreds of miles away or thinks that it’s relevant to continue sharing your video weeks later, it will do that.

Therefore, your Reels should be evergreen (as in, they’re not going to be outdated after a certain date) and they should be interesting to somebody who might not be able to stop by your brick-and-mortar location (if you have one). While some people might visit your website to make a purchase, Reels aren’t necessarily about pushing a product—they’re about building community and establishing yourself as a thought leader.

Share Your Reels in Other Places

One benefit that you do have with Reels is that it’s easy to share your Reels to other places on Instagram. You can opt to have it shown to your followers in all of their feeds, or you can add it to your Instagram story—therefore, it’s not just about pushing your Reel out to the endless others within the Reels feed. Use Reels to engage your current followers and to bring in new followers who might be interested in your brand.

If you like the idea of Reels but are having trouble coming up with creative content, our team can help you brainstorm. Reach out to us today by calling 443-679-4916.

Ann Brennan