How TikTok Changed Digital Marketing

It's easy to dismiss TikTok. It's a fun place to watch trends. It's all about dancing. It's really just for kids. But look again. TikTok quietly snuck onto the scene of the digital marketing world and has had a major effect on the rest of the digital marketing industry. 

TikTok has changed the habits of social media users, pushed its competitors to up their game, and managed to span multiple generations with its content.

10 Ways TikTok Has Changed The Face Of Digital Marketing

1. TikTok has made social media marketing more creative.

Social media marketing is all about creativity but honestly, the content can get stale very quickly. TikTok has upped the ante in terms of creativity, with its creative filters, editing tools, and AR effects. TikTok has also inspired businesses to be more creative in their social media marketing campaigns. For example, Nike created a TikTok campaign that featured popular TikTok influencers and Sirius XM has created an entire channel based on what's trending on TikTok.

2. TikTok has made digital marketing more personal.

TikTok videos are often personal and intimate, which helps to create a connection between the user and the brand. This is in contrast to other social media platforms such as Instagram, which can be more curated and less personal.

3) TikTok has made digital marketing more engaging.

TikTok videos are highly engaging, with users spending an average of 52 minutes per day on the app. This is in contrast to other social media platforms such as Facebook, which has an average engagement time of only 35 minutes per day. 

4. TikTok has made digital marketing more accessible.

TikTok has made digital marketing more accessible to businesses of all sizes. TikTok does not have the same barriers to entry as other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, which require businesses to have a certain number of followers before they can run ads. TikTok also does not require businesses to have a large budget to create successful marketing campaigns.

5. TikTok has made digital marketing more global.

TikTok is a global platform, with users in 150 countries. This makes TikTok an ideal platform for businesses looking to reach a global audience. TikTok’s global reach is also increasing, with the app being downloaded more than 2 billion times in 2020.

6. TikTok has made digital marketing more visual.

TikTok is a highly visual platform, with videos that are often short and attention-grabbing. This makes TikTok an ideal platform for businesses looking to promote their products and services in a visually appealing way.

7. TikTok has made digital marketing more interactive.

TikTok is a highly interactive platform, with features such as TikTok Live and Duets that allow users to interact with each other. This makes TikTok an ideal platform for businesses looking to promote their products and services in an interactive way.

8. TikTok has made digital marketing more entertaining.

TikTok videos are often entertaining, with a focus on humor and light-hearted content. This makes TikTok an ideal platform for businesses looking to promote their products and services in an entertaining way.

9. TikTok has made digital marketing more shareable.

TikTok videos are highly shareable, with users often sharing TikTok videos with their friends and family. This makes TikTok an ideal platform for businesses looking to promote their products and services in a shareable way.

10. TikTok has made digital marketing more efficient.

TikTok’s algorithm is designed to show users the most relevant content, which means that businesses can be more efficient in their digital marketing efforts. TikTok’s algorithm also helps to improve the reach of businesses’ TikTok videos, as TikTok videos that are shared by users are more likely to be seen by other users.

In addition to these changes, other social media platforms are feeling the pressure to up their game.  For example,  Instagram has TikTok to thank for their new Reels feature.  TikTok has also been credited with increasing the popularity of vertical videos. LinkedIn now actively looks for followers for their "newsletter" feature. And Facebook is said to be working on a TikTok competitor.

So while TikTok may seem like just a fun place to watch trends, the reality is that TikTok has had a major impact on the digital marketing industry. And as TikTok continues to grow in popularity, we can only expect that impact to continue.

There's no doubt about it, TikTok has changed the digital marketing landscape. And it doesn't look like TikTok is going anywhere anytime soon. So if you're not on TikTok yet, now is the time to start experimenting with the platform and see how TikTok can help you achieve your marketing goals.

What do you think about TikTok? Do you need help incorporating TikTok into your digital marketing? We’re always happy to help! Reach out to our team today by calling 443-679-4916.