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Brand Awareness for Lead Generation?

Our last post explained brand awareness and how to build yours. But, as the owner of a home service company, you may be asking, “What good does brand awareness do me if it isn’t driving more people to call my office or schedule a service on my website?” Today, we will expand on brand awareness by discussing how to use it to drive lead generation.  At ASMM, we understand your goal is to find potential customers. Let’s talk about how to do that.

Using Brand Awareness To Drive Lead Generation

Before you can focus on lead generation, you should focus on establishing your brand the right way, following these five steps:

1. Make People Aware

Have you ever been at a party where you know almost nobody? But then you see somebody you recognize—you may not know them all that well, but you recognize them at least enough that going up and saying hi doesn’t feel awkward.

That's the power of brand awareness. People who know your brand are more likely to engage with you. Brand awareness sets the stage for lead generation by creating a welcoming environment. Potential customers are more inclined to explore your offerings if they've encountered your brand before. It's like having a friendly face in the crowd, making them comfortable enough to take a step forward.

2. Brand Trust and Credibility

Picture this: You're traveling in a city you’re totally unfamiliar with but stumble upon a familiar logo. It’s one of your favorite restaurants. Even if you’ve never been to this specific location, you walk in without hesitation because you know the quality you expect. That's the power of trust built through brand awareness. When people recognize your brand, it's like a seal of credibility.

Think of brand trust as the bridge between awareness and lead generation. When people trust your brand, they're more willing to provide their contact information or explore what you offer. This trust is especially crucial in the digital age, where online transactions rely on a foundation of trust.

3. Be Memorable 

Think of your favorite brand—a clothing line or a restaurant, for instance. What if it used a different logo or a different color palette every time you saw it? You probably wouldn’t recognize it, right? Even though it offers one of your favorite products, you might completely overlook it.

This example may explain best why it’s essential to be consistent with your company’s branding. Without consistency, people won’t recognize you—or even remember you! Recognition fuels lead generation by increasing the likelihood that people will seek your plumbing or electrician services out.

4. Create Word of Mouth

Think about the last time you recommended a movie or a restaurant to a friend. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool; brand awareness takes word of mouth up a notch. When people are familiar with your brand, they're more likely to talk about it. This word-of-mouth buzz is a goldmine for lead generation.

As people talk about your brand, they inadvertently become advocates. They share their positive experiences with others, and this personal touch carries more weight than traditional advertising. Brand awareness fuels these conversations, expanding your brand's reach and driving potential customers to your doorstep.

5. Build Emotional Connections

For home service companies, such as electricians, plumbing services, HVAC specialists, and chimney repair experts, branding goes beyond just the services provided—it's about the emotions you evoke. Think about the trust and reassurance people feel when they call on your expertise. It's more than fixing a problem; it's about creating a sense of relief and confidence.

Building brand awareness in the home service industry is about forging emotional connections with your customers. It's about giving your company a relatable personality and a compelling story that resonates with homeowners.

These emotional connections are the lifeblood of lead generation. When homeowners feel a genuine connection to your brand, they're more likely to engage with your content, subscribe to your newsletters, and explore your services. Trust and emotions play a significant role in building lasting customer relationships and attracting new clients in the home service industry.

For a deeper dive into creating brand awareness, visit our most recent blog.

Applying Brand Awareness To Lead Generation

Now that we've unveiled how brand awareness can offer the potential for lead generation, you’re probably wondering how you can actively nurture it.

Lead Generation Strategies

Consistent Branding 

Unfortunately, for most home services, customers aren’t spending a lot of time thinking about you. At least not until the very moment they need you. That’s why consistent branding is a powerful tool to help with lead generation for plumbing companies, for example. A consistent brand enables you to maintain a uniform identity, including your logo, colors, and messaging. This consistency is a crucial aspect of your brand's success.

When your plumbing company's branding is consistent, it becomes memorable and easily recognizable. Homeowners who have consistently seen your logo and colors across various platforms and touchpoints are more likely to remember your brand when their toilet backs up or a pipe in their basement bursts. 

Social Media Engagement 

Use social media engagement as a powerful tool to drive lead generation for your HVAC company. Actively participate on social media platforms by consistently sharing valuable content, promptly responding to comments and inquiries, and crafting interactive posts that foster meaningful connections with your audience. By doing so, you can showcase your expertise and nurture potential leads drawn to your engaging online presence. Social media has become a dynamic lead generation channel, helping HVAC companies grow their customer base and expand their reach in their communities.

Examples of Lead Generating Social Media Engagement

1. Educational Posts

Share informative content about HVAC maintenance, energy efficiency, or indoor air quality on your social media channels. For example, you could create posts explaining the importance of regular HVAC system inspections or tips on improving home ventilation. Homeowners looking for such information are more inclined to follow your page and consider your services when they need HVAC assistance.

2. Interactive Quizzes

Craft engaging quizzes related to HVAC topics. For instance, you could create a "Home Comfort Quiz" that helps homeowners assess the performance of their HVAC systems. Encourage followers to participate and share their results. This interactive content can spark conversations and attract leads interested in improving their home's comfort.

3. Q&A Sessions

Host live or scheduled question-and-answer sessions on social media platforms. Invite followers to ask HVAC-related questions and provide expert answers. These sessions position your company as a trusted authority and create opportunities to engage directly with potential clients who may reach out for further assistance.

4. Customer Testimonials 

Share testimonials and success stories from satisfied customers. When homeowners see positive experiences from others who have used your HVAC services, it boosts their confidence in your company. Encourage customers to leave reviews on Google, then share these reviews to your social media profiles, further enhancing your online reputation.

5. Special Promotions

Announce limited-time promotions or discounts on social media platforms. Create a sense of urgency by highlighting the savings and benefits of booking your HVAC services during the promotion period. These promotions can attract leads who are seeking value and cost-effective solutions.

6. Responsive Customer Service

Ensure prompt responses to inquiries and comments on your social media posts and within messengers. Demonstrating excellent customer service on these platforms satisfies existing clients and encourages new leads to reach out with their questions or service requests. At ASMM Digital, we believe in this so much that we almost always catch the messages as they come through and send them directly to the service provider.

7. Collaborations and Partnerships

Explore collaborations with other local businesses or influencers in the home improvement or real estate industries. Joint promotions or co-hosted events on social media can introduce your HVAC services to a broader audience and generate leads interested in home-related services. 

By implementing these social media engagement strategies, an HVAC company can effectively generate leads, build a robust online presence, and establish itself as a trusted choice for homeowners seeking HVAC solutions.

Influencer Collaborations 

There are few things as powerful as an influencer for home service companies. When you can find a local mom (your primary target market) with a big following on a social media platform, you will have harnessed the power of word-of-mouth marketing in a whole new way. Partnering with an influencer in your community will amplify your brand's reach. Their endorsement can introduce your brand to a broader audience. Similarly, building your personal brand while you build your business brand can help you increase your range.

Visual Storytelling

Like it or not, ChatGPT is ruining content marketing for home service companies. There is suddenly a plethora of content online. But never fear; we have a solution. Combining your written content with visual content, such as images and videos, to tell your brand's story will make you stand out in the crowd.  The goal is to make your content truly unique to your brand. Visuals have a lasting impact and resonate with audiences.

Customer Testimonials 

The power of customer testimonials cannot be overstated. Showcase positive customer experiences as testimonials. Authentic reviews build trust and credibility, enhancing brand awareness. You can create videos and graphics from reviews people leave on Google and share them on social media. You can read these reviews at your weekly BNI meeting, or you can create videos in which you read your reviews out loud to your audience, adding commentary after each review. 

Email Marketing 

Send regular newsletters to your audience. Consistent communication keeps your brand top of mind. We have written more about the power of email marketing here.


Yes, we said it, networking. Networking should be part of your brand awareness strategies.  We have said it before, and we will say it again.  There are few things as powerful as a BNI for a home service company. The biggest problem home service owners have in a BNI chapter is getting so many referrals they become too busy to attend. 

As you can see, brand awareness is the spark that ignites the lead generation fire. It paves the way, builds trust, amplifies word of mouth, and creates emotional connections.

If you need help creating that brand awareness—or, more importantly, turning it into leads—our team here at ASMM Digital is here to help. To work with us, reach out today by calling 443-679-4916.