Topics for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

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You keep hearing about email marketing campaigns and how effective they can be in connecting with your target audience, but then you sit down to your computer and freeze up. 

“What am I even supposed to be writing about?” you asked yourself. “I don’t have anything to say to my customers in an email.”

Well, that last part certainly isn’t true! You have plenty to say to your customers. And you know that they want to hear from you, because that’s why they signed up to receive emails from you in the first place.

Even so, you’re right to carefully consider. You still want to make sure that your emails provide value to your customers and that you’re not spamming them with emails they don’t need. After all, you’re probably subscribed to receive emails that you aren’t all that interested in. How do you avoid becoming one of those brands?

Email Marketing

5 Steps To Creating A Email Marketing Campaign

  • Decide on your goal. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish with this email. This goal will determine what happens with each of the next four steps.

  • Figure out your target recipient. Who are you directing this email to? You need to understand what their needs or wants are so that you can then explain in the email how you’re going to solve those problems for them.

  • Write the copy for the emails. Keep it short, sweet, and punchy. Nobody wants to read through long, wordy emails. Yes, you can take time to warm up your recipients with a witty opening line, but don’t take too long to get to the point. Also, remember that you also need to come up with a good subject line for each email.

  • Take care of the graphic design. You don’t need overly complicated graphics, but visual elements will help break up the text and make it easier to skim. Plus it’s much more interesting to look at and will leave a stronger impression.

  • Don’t forget your call to action. What do you want your recipient to do after reading this email? Shop? Leave a review? Follow you on social media? Make it easy for them to follow through with that action by providing a clickable button in the email.

Let’s Talk Email Topics

Now it’s time to brainstorm a few ideas for your email topics. These are just a few suggestions to get you started — once you start writing them, you’ll probably find that there are many other topics out there you want to cover. Keep a list and don’t be forget to refer back to it!

An introductory welcome email

Have an email that greets your customers as soon as they subscribe. Express your appreciation for their interest and/or loyalty, and maybe even offer them a show of thanks (such as 10% off) to make them feel appreciated. This will make them more inclined to continue opening and reading your emails as they come in.

Announce your new product launch

When you expand your business in some way, such as by adding a new product or switching out your seasonal merchandise, be sure to send out an email to let your followers know about it.

Invite people to an upcoming event

Whether you’re holding an anniversary party or an open house, or you’re just hosting bands for live music on the weekend, you want to let your followers know there’s a reason to stop by. Let them know details like date, time, and cost as well as reasons they’re sure to enjoy themselves.

Talk about charitable causes you support

Does your brand engage in philanthropy? Make sure you tell your followers why your beneficiaries are so important to you — and encourage your subscribers to donate as well!

Share stories about your customers

Maybe you had a great interaction last week that really stood out in your mind. Or maybe you have a loyal customer who just deserves a shoutout. Whatever the reason for valuing this customer, make sure you’re sharing it with your followers. This might even encourage a little more interaction from passive customers who want to establish the same kind of relationship with your brand.

Introduce new hires

When you bring on a new member of your team, you want to make sure all your loyal customers know who this person is. Give them a warm introduction by sending out an email with their photo, a short bio about them, and what you expect they’ll bring to your business.

Off-Season Check-In 

If you’re a business that typically does much more work during one season compared with others, then you definitely don’t want to disappear out of your clientele’s mind when you aren’t as busy. Midway through your off-season, send out an email letting them know what you have planned for the season ahead and how you’re still available if they need you for any reason before then.

These seven topics are just the beginning! We’ll have even more email topic ideas for you in the coming weeks, but for now…it’s time to get started writing those emails! If you need help creating content and building out email campaigns, our team at ASMM can help! Reach out today by calling 443-679-4916 or emailing

Ann Brennan