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Celebrating Your Company’s and Employees’ Wins on Social Media

Everyone likes to be recognized for their hard work and their accomplishments. So, when something great happens for your company or your employees, why would you want to keep it to yourself? It could be a milestone anniversary for your business, a big promotion for a long-standing employee, a successful month of high sales, or a positive review from a customer.

On the other hand, it might be something not related to business whatsoever. Maybe one of your employees earned a master’s degree or released a music album or received a community service award. All of these are great accomplishments worth celebrating — and celebrating publicly.

Why? Well, there are two major reasons. For starters, it makes your company look successful. But more importantly, it’s good for your company culture.

Think about it this way:

Great Team Members = A Great Company

Let’s start by thinking of the individual accomplishments of your employees. Even if these accomplishments aren’t directly related to your business, it’s still worth bragging about them publicly. This shows everybody that you have talented, accomplished people making your business run.

Besides, positivity sells! Do you ever have those days where you get on social media, start scrolling, and feel as if everything is negative. When you see those posts that focus on something positive — such as these wins — it makes you feel good. It’s this kind of positivity that will keep your followers coming back for more.

This ultimately leads to better brand awareness. People are paying more attention to your web presence, and they associate good feelings with your company.

Creating a Better Workplace Culture

Publicly celebrating your employees makes them feel appreciated and valued. This motivates them, improves their morale, and inspires a stronger sense of loyalty toward your company. Ultimately, demonstrating appreciation and value for your employees will improve employee recruitment and retention because your workplace is known as a place where people want to work.

Employees will also enjoy the chance to cheer for one another. They get the chance to see what their colleagues are accomplishing, and they develop a stronger sense of respect and admiration for them. This is great for building a stronger sense of teamwork and improving collaboration.

Now the Big Question: How Do You Celebrate Your Wins?

So we’ve established why it’s important to celebrate your company or employee wins, but now the question is how you do it.

Well, there’s really no right or wrong way. You can never go wrong with creating an authentic, genuinely worded post on Facebook or Instagram.

“But won’t that come off as overly promotional?” you think. “Won’t it be cheesy?”

It’s an understandable concern, but don’t forget that so much of what you post to social media is already overly promotional — as long as you’re authentic in the way you approach it, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating an accomplishment. Your followers have liked your page because they have a genuine interest in you!

Start Inside

Let it start with an internal celebration before you let it go public. This way you can privately congratulate the employee or employees on their accomplishment, or you as a team can observe whatever accomplishment the company made. This could be as simple as a mid-afternoon break with champagne, cake, and cards for everyone involved.

Use this as an opportunity to talk as a team about what this means and why it makes you excited. Maybe some of your employees will bring up a good point that you didn’t think of.

You can also get a few team pictures from the celebration to post to social media later. Come up with an honest caption summarizing the moment so the rest of the world can appreciate it. For example, you might say, “We took a moment to celebrate as a team today that we have been in business for a full year! This is such a major milestone for us because we knew from the get-go we had something special to offer but we weren’t sure how quickly word would spread throughout the community. We want to thank all of our customers out there for making this such a great first year in business — and we look forward to many more milestones ahead!”

Or you could say, “Congrats to George for having the top sales among all our employees this month! Anyone who’s worked with George can’t help admiring his dedication and stick-to-itiveness, and we love seeing his hard work pay off!”

Look for moments to celebrate.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to reasons to celebrate your employees and what they’re accomplishing. While accomplishments like top sales are a big deal, they aren’t the only wins you can make a big deal about. If it helps, use your weekly team meetings as a chance to solicit shoutouts from the team, or look to create a peer-nominated award for great work every month. Once you get in the mindset of recognizing wins, you’ll soon realize that they are all around you — and they’re all worth celebrating!

At ASMM Digital, we think outside the box when it comes to cultivating a strong, vibrant online presence — and we want to work with your business! Reach out to our team today by emailing or calling 443-679-4916.